When there is a noticeable increase in your monthly electricity bill without anything being wrong with your appliances, the finger would definitely point toward your fridge or rather, to the fridge's door seal.
What does a fridge door seal do?
A seal keeps the cold air inside the fridge from mixing with the atmospheric air by keeping the refrigerator door tightly closed. There are no gaps in this seal and it helps the fridge to do its job unhindered. Even the constant opening and closing of the fridge door will not be a major problem as long as there is a tight-fit seal keeping the cold air inside once the door is shut.
Even a freezer door seal does the same job although that door is not opened as many times. These seals get worn out and tear if the fridge is old or has been used for a long time. If they loosen or develop a tear they will need to be replaced.
Can it be replaced?
Fridge seal replacement is fairly easy if the person doing the job knows what he is doing. Operation Homes has a wide staff of contractors that can do the job quickly and inexpensively. There is a range of fridge door seals available in the market catering to the brand and model of the fridges manufactured, although many of them might not come with instructions.
You will need to remove the older seal and replace it with the new one, making sure there are no gaps or space left where air can pass through. The same thing can be done for a freezer seal replacement.
If the replacement was not done properly, the seal will start loosening and it might need to be done again. To ensure the job is done right, call Operation Homes now!

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